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Case schema

Being fully driven by configuration, the exact schema of a case's data cannot be included in the documentation as every instance of QuickCase would make use of its own bespoke schema.

Instead, this page focuses on describing how the data of a case is built based on its configuration. This contract is used similarly by both Rest APIs and Webhooks.

Case data

A case's data is the combination of the data for each field of the case.

The case data itself is represented as a JSON object {} containing key-value pairs for each field of the case.

The type and format of a value for a given field is solely determined by the type of the field.

For example, given a matching definition, the case data could take the following form:

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"address": {
"AddressLine1": "XX Some Street",
"PostCode": "AB0 1CD",
"Country": "United Kingdom"

Case fields

In all the following examples, the key FieldId can be any valid case field ID, as defined by the case type.


A Text value is a string.

"FieldId": "Some text"


A Number value can be a number or string. Strings should be preferred for floating point precision.

"FieldId": "12.34"


A YesOrNo value is boolean expressed as a case-insensitive string being either Yes or No.

"FieldId": "Yes"


A PhoneUK value is a string representing a valid UK phone number.

"FieldId": "07123456789"


A Email value is a string representing a valid email address.

"FieldId": ""

Address fields

An Address type field which accepts three types AddressUK AddressGlobalUK and AddressGlobal, and below standard postcode format field values as a string values.

"FieldId": {
"AddressLine1": "1A",
"AddressLine2": "2A",
"AddressLine3": "3A",
"PostTown": "London",
"County": "",
"PostCode": "SW1H 9AJ",
"Country": "United Kingdom"


A MoneyGBP value is a string representing a monetary value in pence.

For example, £42 would be:

"FieldId": "4200"


A Date value is a valid ISO-8601 string without the time part.

For example, the 29th August 2017 would be:

"FieldId": "2017-08-29"


A DateTime value is a valid ISO-8601 string with the Hour Minute Second time part.

For example, the 29th August 2017 09:47:01 AM would be:

"FieldId": "2017-08-29T09:45:01.000"


A TextArea value is a string. It can contain \\\\n to represent line breaks.

"FieldId": "Line1\nLine2"

FixedList / FixedRadioList

Both FixedList and FixedRadioList represent multiple-choice questions with a single answer. Their value is a string exactly matching the code of one the pre-defined choices for that list.

For example, given a list with options Option1 and Option2.

"FieldId": "Option1"


A MultiSelectList represents a multiple-choice questions with multiple answers. The field value is an array of string, where each string item is exactly matching the code of one the pre-defined options for that list.

For example, given a list with options Option1 and Option2.

"FieldId": ["Option1", "Option2"]


A complex value is a JSON object composed of key-value pairs complying to the complex type contract defined as part of the case type.

For example, given a field FieldId of complex type WorldAddress with fields StreetNumber of type Number and StreetName of type Text:

"FieldId": {
"StreetNumber": "42",
"StreetName": "Petty France"

Same rules applies for the content of a complex type and the content of case data.\ As such, a complex type child field can be a complex type itself:

"ComplexField1": {
"SimpleField1": "42",
"ComplexField2": {
"SimpleField2": "Some value"


A Collection value is a JSON array. However, due to data classification constraints, each collection item's value must placed in a value property of a JSON object of the following shape:

"id": "Optional. Uniquely identifies a collection item. When missing, generated by QuickCase.",
"value": "Actual value of the collection item"

This means that the collection array itself only contains objects and the actual values are contained within those objects.

Each collection item will be assigned a unique ID when first created so that it can be uniquely identified. Consequently, id property should be omitted for new items, but provided for existing items.

Thus, a collection of Text would initially be created as:

"FieldId": [
"value": "Value 1"
"value": "Value 2"

And later updated as:

"FieldId": [
"id": "db7d76b6-17d6-4aac-9f02-14edaedb5cbb",
"value": "Changing existing item"
"id": "db7d76b6-17d6-4aac-9f02-12345667899",
"value": "Value 2"
"value": "New item"

A collection of a complex type would be:

"FieldId": [
"value": {
"ComplexField1": "Value 1"
"value": {
"ComplexField1": "Value 2"

An empty collection would be:

"FieldId": []


A Document value is a JSON object composed of 2 properties:

  • id: Unique identifier for the document, as provided by QuickCase's Attachment Store
  • name: Display name for the document, presented to users as the clickable link to open/download the document.
"FieldId": {
"id": "1615555059118198_6670e110-c7af-11eb-8906-eb65e995768a.png",
"name": "aPicture.png"

A CaseLink is a field used to reference another case using its universal 16-digit ID. It's a complex type composed of 2 fields:

  • CaseReference: Required, the 16-digit reference of the case linked
  • Description: Optional, a label displayed to users instead of the 16-digit reference
"FieldId": {
"CaseReference": "1521109509643143",
"Description": "Previous application"